A picture of the green trees and a tent A picture of the green trees and a couple tents The washing facilities A picture of the green trees and a couple tents A picture of the green trees and a couple tents A picture of the green trees and a couple tents


Majhen prostor za kampiranje je idealen za tiste, ki jim veliki kampi niso preveč všeč in si raje želijo prijetnega oddiha sredi narave, stran od mestnega hrupa in množic turistov. Dobrodošle družine! Čeprav ne nudimo pretiranega razkošja, vestno skrbimo za urejenost prostora in se trudimo biti čim bolj ekološki. Prostora imamo za okoli 20 šotorov ali počitniških prikolic. Poleg tega si lahko postrežete z domačim sadjem po drevesih ali zelenjavo iz vrtička.

V sadovnjaku so na voljo štiri tuši in štiri umivalniki s toplo vodo, v ločeni zgradbi pa se nahaja enako število stranišč in dodatni tuš.

Z veseljem bomo odgovorili na vsa vaša vprašanja ali vam po potrebi kako drugače priskočili na pomoč. Govorimo tekoče angleško, poleg tega pa razumemo tudi vse večje evropske jezike.


Visoka sezona (1.7.2024 - 31.8.2024)
Cena na osebo (brez turistične takse) / noč

Cena za otroke: med 7-14 let (brez turistične takse) / noč
Nizka sezona (1.5.2024 - 30.6.2024, 1.9.2024 - 31.9.2024)
Cena na osebo (brez turistične takse) / noč

Cena za otroke: med 7-14 let (brez turistične takse) / noč
Fiksne cene
Turistična taksa (odrasli) / noč

Turistična taksa (otroci) / noč

* Elektrika / noč

* Pes (obvezno na vrvici) / noč


  • Tišina med 22. in 7. uro.
  • Goste naprošamo, da prostor za kampiranje čist in urejen; smeti je treba ločevati.
  • Tople vode je vedno dovolj, prosimo pa vas, da jo za dobro okolja uporabljate v zmernih količinah.
  • Voda iz pipe je pitna, saj prihaja iz vznožij bližnjih alpskih gora. Prekuhavanje ni potrebno.


  • Hladilnik
  • Pralni stroj
  • WI-FI
  • Parkiranje (brezplačno)


Very friendly & helpful owners - warm, personal welcome & farewell. Beautiful location set in an orchard and close to cycling routes & public transport (both to Lake Bled). Excellent facilities- plenty of hot water! - all within close proximity to pitches. Would definitely stay again. Highly recommended.

Pete , junij 2023

Wanted to stay for one night but ended up staying 5 nights. Absolutely awesome place that's well run by great people, the other guests were friendly and thoughtful as well. Showers, kitchen, toilets everything was clean and had everything or even more than what you need for camping. There is a lot to explore in near proximity (if you have car or enough stamina).

Daniel , julij 2021

Lovely out of the way spot, in a pretty and interesting village. Run by very helpful and friendly family. Camping is in orchard, so much more natural than separate pitches. The renovated barn has lovely rooms and facilities are modern and clean.

Katcha , avgust 2017

We had a great stay at Breda's incredibly well run camp site. All the facilities like toilet, shower, cooking and washing can be shared with the campers. What impresses us most is the cleanliness of everything, it made us feel like camping out too! Highly recommended.

Jonathan , avgust 2015

Breda and her husband are really caring hosts. Whether you need some advise for trips or just some vegetables out of their garden...they'll try to enable everything. Lovely place, lovely people, interesting conversations.

Thomas , avgust 2015